

FROM MAY 9, 2016 THRU MAY 16, 2016

Digging up an old idea or reviving a half-finished project could bring promising and surprising results. If you feel inspired to return to a plan that seemed to be going nowhere, after a little tweaking it could bring spectacular results this time around. The same applies to creative projects for which you may rediscover your enthusiasm and finish with a resounding flourish. If a love relationship has stalled, Jupiter's forward motion could see it picking up steam again in the weeks ahead.

FROM MAY 2, 2016 THRU MAY 8, 2016

With Venus newly in your sign, you'll be ready to explore new social opportunities for pleasure and business. With a focus on Taurus in general, it's time to channel your energies into projects that are deeply meaningful to you, especially any long-held dreams that you may be in a position to realize. Easy does it, though, as you'd be wise to plan first and take special care regarding costs. Romance could be in the air, too, if you're ready to date and have fun


A contract of some kind, perhaps involving the home, might need some careful consideration today, Taurus. You could find it a little difficult to understand, as it could be full of fine print and legalese. Don't be afraid to ask someone with a little more savvy to explain what you're trying to read. It's important that you know all the ins and outs before signing anything, for your own peace of mind, if nothing else.


You are feeling highly sensitive about your finances right now -- they are out of sync with those of everyone you're socializing with, which could cause some tension when the talk turns to the next outing. Nevertheless, you should try to take extra care to save your money up. Resist shopping or going out right now. There are some unexpected tolls coming up on your road of life, and you'll need to pay them quickly and painlessly. Start pinching those pennies!


Change is in the air, Taurus. Whether it's a dramatic change of faith or a major shift in your life's goals, prepare yourself for a profound transformation. It's likely due to the fact that you now have more freedom to do what you want, when you want. Perhaps a financial windfall has made this possible. Take care to choose your new path wisely. It doesn't offer you the choice of returning to your old lifestyle.

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