

FROM MAY 9, 2016 THRU MAY 15, 2016

With your ruler Jupiter pushing forward in your sector of career and goals on Monday, you may find that opportunities you've been awaiting now begin to appear. You could also get help from a boss, superior, or authority figure who wants to see you do well. But with Mercury retrograde in your lifestyle sector, you'll need to take care when dealing with paperwork, taking messages, or negotiating deals. Don't take anything for granted. Could a romance blossom at work? It's very possible!

                                                         FROM MAY 2, 2016 THRU MAY 8, 2016
Routines could get snarled as Mercury continues its backward dance. While inconvenient, you can use this phase to your advantage. Opt to rethink your timetable and the way you spend your days and consider making one or two radical changes so that life becomes easier and more efficient. See the weeks ahead as an opportunity to experiment with what works for you. With a number of planets now retrograde, reviewing your progress can be helpful in others areas of life, too.


Today you might read a book on exercise or nutrition that seems a bit unsettling, Sagittarius. According to the book, you're doing everything wrong! Remember that what the author is probably outlining is a certain practice that worked for him or her. Everyone is different. Don't change your habits for practices that don't feel right. Consult a professional if you're still concerned. Such a person is more than capable of discerning what's right for you.


You may want to be alone today, but you won't be able to swing any solo time soon. So you'll need major stimulation to stay tuned in to other people. The good news is that one of the people you'll be dealing with is a super high energy person who you're usually drawn to. Rely on them and listen to them more than anyone else -- that's a good way to stay on the same page as everyone else. Group dynamics are overwhelming for you now, so just focus on one person.


If you feel like you're trying to push a square peg into a round hole, you're probably right, Sagittarius. Whether you're having personal or professional difficulties, there are times when it just doesn't pay to try so hard. In fact, it's often a sign that there is something fundamentally wrong with the relationship. Try to take more of a philosophical attitude, Sagittarius. If it's meant to work, it will.

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