

FROM MAY 9, 2016 THRU MAY 15, 2016

Communication is key this week, so be sure to keep everyone in the loop, as it will help avoid misunderstandings and needless mistakes. If you have a particular issue to deal with, the days ahead can be perfect for helping you resolve it. Be willing to sit down and discuss core problems. You may find that a chat can propel you forward to greater success in the future. If you're invited to a reunion, it should be very warm and welcoming.

                                                         FROM MAY 2, 2016 THRU MAY 8, 2016
As Mercury continues retrograde in your sector of speech and mind, make sure to back up important files on your computer and put vital documents in a safe place. Enjoy the opportunity to reunite with old friends or spend time with family members you haven't seen in a while. If you've had a minor brush with a neighbor, the present lineup makes this the perfect time to smooth things over and get back on good terms. Watch out for mixed signals in relationships, too.


A neighbor or relative might volunteer to help you with some chores around the house, Pisces, but you could sense that his or her heart isn't in it. This person is probably thinking about things and just needs some kind words and a little advice. Just accept that even though you have help, you'll probably end up doing most of the work yourself. Offer what support you can, and think of it as good karma.


If you are dealing with any contracts or other types of legal documents today, you need to be twice as meticulous as you usually are. Your energy is low right now and it will be difficult for you to concentrate for any length of time -- you run the risk of missing out on the finer details. Read the small print very carefully, because it's in the small print where the big mistakes hide! You might need to take extra time to do a lot of things today, so go slow.


You could have a “eureka!” moment today, Pisces, as events from your past unexpectedly bubble to the surface of your mind and crystallize in a surprising new way. Suddenly, you have a clear understanding of how these past events affect your present behavior. You can use this new knowledge to bring about change. There is clearly a situation at work or at home that is in need of transformation.

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