FROM MAY 9, 2016 THRU MAY 15, 2016
What does it mean when the planet of good fortune turns direct in your psychological sector? You could find that you begin to trust your intuition and become more responsive to its messages and subtle hints. The hard work you've put into a spiritual discipline, such as mediation, yoga, or self-analysis, could begin to show results. Difficult situations in your outer life can begin to change for the better. Where finances are concerned, an apparent setback could have hidden advantages. Stay alert!
ROM MAY 2, 2016 THRU MAY 8, 2016
Your sector of secrets, shared expenses, and intimacy is very much in focus this week. And with the Sun and retrograde Mercury here, this is definitely the time to take stock and consider how you might get your money and intimate life back on track. Friday's New Moon can be the perfect opportunity for a fresh start, but you'd be wise not to rush into anything. Wait until Mercury pushes ahead again on May 22. Research your options in the meantime
A friend might be in such a dour mood that you wonder if this is the same person you know and love, Libra. During the day you might be tempted to try to analyze what's going on, but this is apt to raise more questions than answers. Probably this is a case of too many problems hitting your friend at once. Don't pry, but make sure your friend knows you're there if needed.
Your business forecast looks very sunny today -- there's not a cloud in the sky and temperatures are mild! Everything is humming along nicely, and it might be a great day to take a vacation and treat yourself to a nice afternoon nap or matinee movie. The pace of the day might speed up as you move into evening, when an unexpected visit or phone call causes you to add some items to your 'to do' list. But it's all in the name of helping others, and you're up for that!
You always suspected that your job was making you crazy, but it never occurred to you that it could make you sick, too. Is it really worth it, Libra? You may be asking yourself this question today. Fortunately, your talents apply to several professions. Why not take a closer look at other fields? One way or another, it's clear that change is coming. You might as well be the one who directs it.
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