FROM MAY 9, 2016 THRU MAY 15, 2016
Jupiter storms ahead in your financial sector from Monday. If you've experienced delays, you should see more activity soon. However, be alert this week for openings that could enable you to enhance your income or improve your status. The past plays an important role in the present, so an old boss might have a tip or new job for you or give you the name of a contact who can be of help. Networking could bring new associates and useful information your way, too.
FROM MAY 2, 2016 THRU MAY 8, 2016
With the Sun, Mercury, and Venus moving across the top of your chart, this is a good time to take stock and explore fresh possibilities associated with your career and major ambitions. With Friday's New Moon in this sector, you'll be well placed to start a new job or contract or enjoy time in the spotlight and make the most of it. Just go easy concerning finances, as the present alignment could see you buying items that, while desirable, may not be necessary.
Today you might find yourself the center of attention, Leo. Friends could ask for some information they know you have. It might involve telling a story or giving practical advice. Whatever it is, you might find it difficult to explain without going into some pretty heavy detail. You can do it! Talk slowly and let what you have to say unfold on its own. Your audience will probably be rapt.
There is a new closeness growing between you and a sibling or close cousin -- the nurturing aspect of your family life is much more predominant than usual right now, and it is something that can really help you deal with any dramas you've been working through. This is a time of personal growth for you, when you can take the advice given to you by people who care about you and make good use of it! So make sure in any conversations that you open up and let it all out.
Just because one person is no longer a part of your life doesn't mean that all people are unreliable. People change, as do situations. It's possible that this person was no longer a healthy influence on you, in which case the departure is for the best. You're going to have to become more adaptable, Leo, because there are more changes on the horizon, especially where your career is concerned
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