

FROM MAY 9, 2016 THRU MAY 15, 2016

If you've had no luck regarding a court case or other legal matter, things could change for the better once Jupiter pushes forward on Monday. If you're traveling or working abroad, stay alert for opportunities that could expand your options. This can be a time of magical encounters. Romance looks to be very sweet, with this week's alignment sure to rekindle the flame of love and give a budding romance a passionate boost. If you've been busy, it's certainly time to unwind.

                                                         FROM MAY 2, 2016 THRU MAY 8, 2016
Pleasure plans come to the fore as you and your sweetheart, love interest, or perhaps family and children come together in the spirit of fun and adventure. It can be a time of indulgence, too, as Venus in Taurus encourages romantic dates with all the trimmings. Cultural activities can also bring a lot of enjoyment your way. If you're eager to increase your musical or artistic knowledge, this is the time to do it. With Neptune prominent, be careful what you promise and to whom.


Memories and emotions welling up from the past might excite your creative impulses today, Capricorn. You may not quite be able to understand what all of this means, but the pictures should keep coming to you nonetheless. It might be a good idea to take some notes, even though you might not comprehend all you write. This may be more a process of releasing ancient traumas than creating great masterpieces, but even so, it's worth pursuing.


Make sure that you finish everything completely today -- tie every loose end up in a neat little bow and polish it up for show. People who have a lot of power over your life will be reviewing your work, and you will make to make sure that they like what they see. It won't be difficult at all for you to impress them, but you will have to double check your work just in case. Your relationships with these people are good, but you can take nothing for granted.


Things aren't always as they first appear. People you thought you knew well and circumstances that you thought you understood thoroughly now seem anything but straightforward. Has the world really changed that much or has your perception altered somehow? It's time to direct this “altered” vision inward. You're ready for a change, Capricorn. Perhaps it's time to dust off that resume.

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